We Are Lions Ministry: The Lions Den
We Are Lions Ministry: The Lions Den
Why Theology Matters
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Today's Episode: Why Theology Matters
When Pastor Cole Burks took the helm at Resting Place Church, he never imagined the profound transformation his community—and his own faith—would undergo. This episode, we're joined by the insightful pastor from Knoxville, who guides us through the intertwining paths of personal belief and collective identity. Get ready to witness a narrative of hope and change, as we uncover the story behind a church's evolution from its dwindling numbers to a congregation reborn with a deeper, more introspective mission.
The theological ground beneath our feet isn't as solid as some might have you believe—it shifts, grows, and challenges us to reexamine our inherited doctrines. Throughout our discussion, we lace humor with earnest introspection, considering how well-worn our own theological "baseball gloves" are. Pastor Burks and The Lion Crew navigate the tricky waters of doctrine and belief, emphasizing how true faith isn't about adhering to rigid dogma, but instead, about fostering a living, breathing relationship with the divine that is as concerned with justice as it is with spirituality.
In the grand tapestry of Christianity, what threads hold us together? This episode draws on Pastor Burks' stories and our shared experiences to answer that question, examining how our views of God shape every human interaction we have. We talk about the transformative power of incarnational theology—living out the Gospel with hands and feet, not just with our words. Join us as we explore what it means to have a faith that not only guides, but also serves, and in doing so, challenges us to reflect the image of God in the most authentic way possible.